The Power of Software Beta Testing
Rene Schiller
June 13, 2024

According to a World Metrics report, the global robotics software market is set to hit $15.78 billion by 2026, growing at a steady 4.2% annually. This growth highlights the ever-evolving nature of robotics software, with new features and use cases constantly emerging.
This is where beta testing becomes a non-negotiable in software development. Think of it as a practice run for software. During beta testing, developers can flag and fix issues before the software goes live, ensuring it works as close to perfect as possible in real-world settings (let's be honest, software is never truly perfect). By involving a diverse group of beta testers, developers can get feedback to fine-tune the software, making it more reliable and user-friendly. In an industry where precision and safety are paramount, thorough beta testing isn't just a wish—it's a must for creating top-notch software for robotics.
What is Beta Testing?
Before we can dive into the benefits of beta testing, let's unpack what beta testing is. In a software development lifecycle, beta testing is when an almost complete product is released to a select group of real users outside the initial development team. These real users, or beta testers, put the software through the wringer using real-life use cases to identify bugs, usability issues, performance issues, or feature needs that weren't caught in earlier testing. For beta testers, it's more like "Please break it and give us a full play-by-play" rather than "If you break it, you buy it."
During the beta phase, beta testers explore the app's features, uncover bugs, and identify usability issues. Their feedback becomes invaluable for refining the product before its official release. Beta testing helps catch problems early, ensuring a smooth user experience and delivering a high-quality product that meets the expectations of your target audience.
Why is Beta Testing so Important?
Beta testing is one of the most essential phases of software development. Your software has reached a stage where it can be tested with actual use cases by users who best understand their needs. It is a crucial phase for the following reasons:
Flag and Fix Bugs – It is crucial to Uncover issues and flag bugs that were missed in the development phase. Proactively finding errors ensures they are addressed before the product launch.
Performance Evaluation – Testing in real-world environments with modern user cases gives insight into speed, responsiveness, and functionality. This gives developers more data to ensure software operates at peak performance under various conditions.
Software Quality – A quality checkpoint that meets expectations and minimizes the risk of negative reviews, returns, and damage to the product's reputation.
Drive User Engagement – Having users participate in a beta program leads to increased collaboration and interest in the final product. These interactions also build a stronger relationship between developers and the user community, leading to more engagement and happier customers.
User Feedback – The MOST important reason on this list. User feedback gives you a direct channel to your intended customer base. Insights into features, usability, and overall experience are invaluable for modifying and aligning the software with user needs.
The Benefits of Beta Testing
Above, we discussed the benefits of beta testing and why it is so important to software developers. Let's dive into what beta testers get out of spending their time and energy working with a product before it is ready for the market.
Early Access – As a beta tester, you are given early access to new features, products, or services. This lets you test new automation solutions before your competitors.
Influencing Product – Beta testers have a direct line of communication to software developers. This gives you access to tell them EXACTLY what you need to succeed and to influence the functionality of a product to better suit you.
Beta Community – Most beta programs have specific communities for testers, giving them access to like-minded individuals with varying degrees of skills. Beta testers can leverage the community’s knowledge to enhance their experience further in the beta program.
Wandelbots Beta Program
Wandelbots focuses on simplifying human-robot interactions. We are redefining robot programming, making automation accessible for all. We want to invite you to participate in our Beta Program. We believe this relationship will be a give–and–take, and you can benefit in multiple ways from being part of our Wandelbots Beta Program.
Benefits of Joining the Wandelbots’ Beta Program:
Influence Product Development - You will have the opportunity to voice your opinions and influence product development. This empowers you to shape features and functionalities that address your needs and preferences directly.
Early Access to Innovation - You get early exposure to new technologies and concepts by being part of the validation process. This allows you to adapt these innovations within your automation environment before they are available to the general public. In addition, you can continue the journey and use what you have learned from your prototyping to transfer this knowledge into your production. So, you not only get early access but also have the advantage of allowing your ideas to become reality while building on what you have already developed.
Enhanced User Experience - By helping identify and fix issues before the general release, you create a smoother, more stable user experience. This involvement will ensure that our product is more aligned with your expectations and free from critical issues at launch. In addition, you engage with our teams and see the people behind the product in action.
Exclusive Community Membership - Every participant will join an exclusive group of early adopters within our Developer Community, gaining access to special support, additional resources, and a direct line to our product team.
In the rapidly evolving world of robotics software, the importance of beta testing cannot be overstated. It serves as a critical phase (some would say the most critical) where software is rigorously evaluated and refined based on real-world feedback, establishing it meets the high standards of reliability and user-friendliness demanded by the industry. By finding and fixing bugs, assessing performance, and gathering user feedback, beta testing not only improves the quality of the software but also promotes a relationship between developers and users and builds a broader user community.
Wandelbots recognizes how important real world robot users are to our software development. Our beta program is designed to engage a diverse group of testers who can give us valuable feedback and want to contribute to the growing robot software market. Help us build our community and continue to make human-robot interactions simple and efficient.
Apply for our beta program today and help us move robotics software forward.